Elementary Information
St. Mary elementary consists of Preschool through 6th grade.
Preschool is for 3 and 4 year old's. Class times are Tuesday's and Thursday 8:30 am- 11:00 am. Children must be potty trained.
Junior Cardinals is for 4 and 5 year old's. Class times are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday's 8:30 am-3:15 pm
All grades Kindergarten and up are required to wear a school approved uniform. Uniform is black or khaki pants, shorts, skirts, or jumpers along with a collared white polo or uniform approved red or black polos. Shirts must be tucked in at all times. Students may wear St. Mary sweatshirts over their white shirts. Red sweaters or cardigans may also be worn. All shoes must be close-toed and closed-heeled.
Elementary students participate in many activities throughout the year:
Homecoming Parade-Grades 3rd and up will walk in the parade on the Friday of Homecoming Week. JC-2nd grade can either sit with their class or go with a parent to watch the parade.
Catholic Schools Week- Elementary students will participate in several activities this week, including sledding, Books Alive, Cardinal family activities, Parent lunch (parents are invited to eat school lunch with students), etc.
Carnival- All students in grades 4th and up are required to assist with the annual Carnival for fundraising for St. Mary in March. The Carnival is on a Sunday and each child and parent will have an assigned task to help with the day of.
Cardinal Family- Students are grouped into Cardinal "Families" A Cardinal family consists of 1-2 students from each grade JC through 12th grade. This "Family" will participate in activities throughout the year as a group. These "Families" stay the same through the students school years.
Lunch- Parents are always invited to join their students for lunch during the school year. Please let the office know by 8:30 am for an accurate lunch count.
Speech Language/Special Education- Students who qualify for special education services will receive these at the Dell Rapids Public School.
Sledding Hill- Students in grades 3rd-6th are allowed to sled in the winter months during recess with a signed permission form. Sleds are provided.
Band- 5th and 6th grade are required to participate in band. Students who plan to play percussion will need 2 years of piano before being considered. Jazz Band is also an option for 6th grade students.
Sports- 6th grade students may "play up" with the Jr. High in Volleyball, Girls and Boys Basketball, and Track.
Parents of Jr. High athletes are expected to help drives athletes to at least one away contest: no bussing is available for Jr. High
Practice times may vary at night due to limited gym space.
Each sport has a fundraiser and a "warm up" shirt is usually required to purchase.
Jr. High Information
St. Mary Jr High is 7th and 8th grade.
Students are required to wear a school approved uniform. Uniform is khaki or black pants, shorts, skirts with a collared white shirt or uniform approved red or black polo. Shirts must be tucked in at all times. Students must wear a belt at all times. Students may wear St. Mary sweatshirts over their white shirts. Red sweaters or cardigans may also be worn. All shoes must be close-toed and closed-heeled.
Jr High students participate in many activities throughout the year:
Homecoming Parade- Jr High students will have daily dress up days and will build a float with their class to drive in the parade and participate in Class Olympics.
Catholic Schools Week- Jr High students will participate in several activities, including sledding, Movie day, Parent Lunch, and Cardinal family activites.
Carnival- All students in grades 4th and up are required to assist with the annual Carnival for fundraising for St. Mary in March. The Carnival is on a Sunday and each child and parent will have an assigned task to help with the day of.
Cardinal Family- Students are grouped into Cardinal "Families" A Cardinal family consists of 1-2 students from each grade JC through 12th grade. This "Family" will participate in activities throughout the year as a group. These "Families" stay the same through the students school years.
Band- 7th and 8th grade have the option of participating in Band. If the student choses to be part of Band, they will automatically be part of:
Marching Band (with competitions0
Pep Band (Will play at some VB, FB, and BB games throughout the year)
The Band student will have the option to join Jazz Band
Choir- All Jr. High students are required to participate in Jr. High Choir. Students will have the option to also join the High School Choir. HS Choir has more requirements, including singing at some weekend Masses, and the Anthem at home sporting events.
Sports- Jr High athletes have the option to play Volleyball, Football, Cross Country, Girls/Boys Basketball, Competitive Cheer, Wrestling (through the public school), Track and Golf.
Parents of Jr. High athletes are expected to volunteer at least once to drive athletes to at least one away contest: no bussing is available for Jr. High
Practice times may vary at night due to limited gym space. Possible early morning practice
Some athletes may be asked to play JV/Varsity sports, as needed
Each sport has a fundraiser and a "warm up" shirt is usually required to purchase.
Other activities-
Student Council- Members are voted on by the class. 7th-12th grades will have a Student Council representative along with class officers.
Drama/One Act Play
Oral Interp
8th Grade Recognition - Towards the last days of school, the 8th graders will dress up for Mass with a breakfast to follow. Parents are encouraged to attend.
High School Information
High School at St. Mary is grades 9th through 12th.
Students are required to wear a school approved uniform. Uniform is khaki or black pants, shorts, skirts with a collared white polo or uniform approved red or black polo. Shirts must be tucked in at all times. Students must wear a belt at all times. Students may wear St. Mary sweatshirts over their white shirts. Red sweaters or cardigans may also be worn. All shoes must be close-toed and closed-heeled.
High School students participate in many activities throughout the year:
Homecoming Parade- High School students will have daily dress up days and will build a float with their class to drive in the parade. Classes participate in Powderpuff Football and Class Olympics.
Catholic Schools Week- Jr high students will participate in several activities, including sledding, Movie day, Parent Lunch, and Cardinal family activities.
Carnival- All students in grades 4th and up are required to assist with the annual Carnival for fundraising for St. Mary in March. The Carnival is on a Sunday and each child and parent will have an assigned task to help with the day of. High School students will earn service hours for their time.
Cardinal Family- Students are grouped into Cardinal "Families" A Cardinal family consists of 1-2 students from each grade JC through 12th grade. This "Family" will participate in activities throughout the year as a group. These "Families" stay the same through the students school years.
Band- Students have the option of participating in Band. If the student choses to be part of Band, they will automatically be part of:
Marching Band (with competitions)
Pep Band (Will play at some VB, FB, and BB games throughout the year)
The Band student will have the option to join Jazz Band
Choir- Students have the option of participating in choir. Choir students will sing at some weekend Masses and sing the National Anthem at some home sporting events.
Sports- High School athletes have the option to play Volleyball, Football, Cross Country, Girls/Boys Basketball, Competitive Cheer, Sideline Cheer, Wrestling (through the public school), Track, and Golf.
Practice times may vary at night due to limited gym space. Possible early morning practice
Some athletes may be asked to play JV/Varsity sports, as needed
Each sport has a fundraiser and a "warm up" shirt is usually required to purchase.
Other activities-
Student Council- Members are voted on by the class. 7th-12th grades will have a Student Council representative along with class officers.
Drama/One Act Play
Oral Interp
FFA (through the public school)
Christian Service Hours- High School students are required to complete a minimum of 20 hours of community service hours each year to graduate. If the student completes 40 hours all four years of High school, that student will receive recognition at graduation.
Dual Credit Classes- Several Dual Credit classes are offered at St. Mary. Junior and Senior students interested need to meet with the guidance office for a list of options
Dual Enrollment with Dell Rapids Public School- If a class is not offered at St. Mary, arrangements in specific subjects with the approval of both schools are an option. Example: Ag Classes etc.